
The Mona Lisa Curse - Robert Hughes, Part 1

 ...The Mona Lisa Curse is a Grierson award-winning polemic documentary by art critic Robert Hughes that examines how the world's most famous painting came to influence the art world. With his trademark style, Hughes explores how museums, the production of art and the way we experience it have radically changed in the last 50 years, telling the story of the rise of contemporary art and looking back over a life spent talking and writing about the art he loves, and loathes. Director: Mandy Chang; Executive Producer: Nick Kent; Prod Co: Oxford Film and TV... - source: Channel 4

Link: YouTube, The Mona Lisa Curse, Robert Hughes


Art Project by Google

Explore museums from around the world, discover and view hundreds of artworks at incredible zoom levels, and even create and share your own collection of masterpieces. - source: Art Project web site

Link: http://www.googleartproject.com/